What We Do

Our Commitment

Congress Landfill is committed to being a good neighbor in our community. We are committed to operating with environmental practices and policies that are good for our customers, local businesses and residents. Our local team of environmental managers, engineers and scientists ensures that the long-term management of the landfill materials is regenerative to the planet.


Congress Landfill is operated in a manner that protects public health and the environment. Although no waste is accepted at Congress, we work closely with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) to ensure that we meet all state and federal regulations. There are many environmental protection systems at Congress Landfill.

Landfill gas is collected through a system of 145 extraction wells. This gas is piped to an on-site flare system where it is safely destroyed. The landfill’s surface and exterior gas probes are also regularly monitored to ensure the landfill gas system is operating properly.

Protection of all water sources is a priority at Congress Landfill. The Landfill is designed with a highly engineered composite liner final cover system designed to minimize the infiltration of liquids into the Landfill. Liquids that are within the Landfill are collected and pre-treated on-site at our wastewater treatment facility. Once pre-treated, the liquids are discharged to Stickney Water Reclamation Plant, the largest wastewater treatment facility in the world. In addition, Congress Landfill assesses groundwater with 53 individual groundwater monitoring wells and storm water in our on-site surface pond. We routinely test each well and the surface pond to verify groundwater and storm water safety.


Congress Landfill is operated in a manner that protects public health and the environment. Although no waste is accepted at Congress, we work closely with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) and the Cook County Department of Environmental Control to ensure that we meet all state and federal regulations.

Landfill process